Actualités,  Régates

Championnat du Monde Classe 10 et M 2025 à Saint Hilaire de Riez

 L’organisation des mondiaux M et 10R 2025 a été confiée à la FRANCE et au CNHR  CLUB NAUTIQUE SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ .

Le message du Président de l’IMCA (International Marblehead Class Association) :

I would like to thank you and everyone involved for the application to host the Marblehead and 10R class World Championship in 2025.
Everyone at IMCA and ITCA is very pleased to award both events to France. We look forward to working with the organizing team to ensure the best possible event. Please let us know about anything you might need and where we can be of assistance.

Kind regards

Chairman IMCA
Vice Chairman ITCA